Infinity Ward's Creative Strategist, Robert Bowling, tweeted that they plan to completely change the entire way the kill streak system works. Who knows whats to come. Lets hope they don't bring in nukes of some sort or something, so a game mode doesn't get destroyed because of some camper waiting in the back. Perhaps they'll make kill streaks harder to get, easier, weaker, stronger, perhaps they'll go more toward helping weaker players. Maybe there will be different paths of kill streaks, like an rpg system, you can go one way and end up coming into a ton of different things. Maybe strictly an airborne kill streak path or instead something specifically for helping your character like adrenaline, juggernaut, etc. In the end the best players will likely be overpowered, but maybe they'll try to work in a way to help the weaker players get lucky here and there. Personally I'd like to say I'm pretty good at CoD and won't have to worry, but it's nice to see a bit of equality. Just hope I don't get crippled for being good or something.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Capcom Attacks Used Video Games
Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D for the Nintendo 3DS is going to feature only one play through with one save. The one save can't be deleted, the game can't be reset, therefore there is no replay value and never will be. This idea by Capcom therefore destroys the purpose of having Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D be a used game in retail stores such as Gamestop or elsewhere. Used games are bought by a huge community of gamers, especially ones who can't afford a game at it's full price or even after it drops. The fact that there's going to be no replay value as well will cause gamers to get less time out of it. You can't go back for all those collectibles, people can't do commentaries or walkthroughs after beating the game, you can't go back and get achievements, etc. So just look forward to that if this continues throughout the industry or even just Capcom. It'll be a significant impact on the gaming community.
It's understandable that Capcom doesn't benefit off of used game sales, but less people are just likely to not buy the game. Used games allow people to buy the game for less money and way down the line when the game is $20 or less, people will buy it regardless of what they think. Someone might buy it for achievements of some sort, something to mess with, or just a cheap game to pick up. Instead of waiting years for the price to drop to $20, which is likely to not happen for a long time. Having used games is even a good way to spread your game, especially if it's cheap. Yeah new quality is good and all, but used games can be just as good if in the right hands.
This whole idea is going to definitely going to bite them back in the end. Sure you'll get a ton of reserves if it's a really good game, but there's still a lot more players who won't buy it until they find a used copy or it drops. Therefore, it's only going to peak up in buys when it drops in price. And when it drops it price in won't have of been promoted and still have the same attention when other games are coming out and grabbing the center of attention. Therefore, the it'll only get a large amount of buys when it comes out, and then maybe have a buy here and there.
Lulz Sec Last Fired Upon Battlefield Heroes
If you play Battlefield Heroes or especially pay for Battlefield Heroes, then you may be a victim to Lulz Security's last attack. After having attacked Battlefield Heroes they managed to obtain over 500,000 accounts. Over on Dazzlepod here they show the accounts that were taken, don't get your hopes up, the passwords are blocked out.
Good Bye Violent Game law California!
"Like protected books, plays, and movies, [video games] communicate ideas through familiar literary devices and features distinctive to the medium. And 'the basic principles of freedom of speech . . . do not vary' with a new and different communication medium," said the court.
You can read up on the full case in a PDF here. In 2005 the law was signed by the one and only Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This law opposed retailers selling violent games to minors and there was a fine of upto $1000 for if it happened. A federal appeals court deemed the law unconstitutional, therefore blocking it from passing at the time. The U.S. Supreme Court decided to give it another look during the April of 2010. Earlier this morning the Supreme Court voted in favor of the video games industry by getting rid of the ban of selling violent games to minors. The case was a good win resulting in a 7-2 ruling.
Sources would be IGN:
You can read up on the full case in a PDF here. In 2005 the law was signed by the one and only Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This law opposed retailers selling violent games to minors and there was a fine of upto $1000 for if it happened. A federal appeals court deemed the law unconstitutional, therefore blocking it from passing at the time. The U.S. Supreme Court decided to give it another look during the April of 2010. Earlier this morning the Supreme Court voted in favor of the video games industry by getting rid of the ban of selling violent games to minors. The case was a good win resulting in a 7-2 ruling.
Sources would be IGN:
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Lulz Security, Bon Voyage
"We are Lulz Security, and this is our final release, as today marks something meaningful to us. 50 days ago, we set sail with our humble ship on an uneasy and brutal ocean: the Internet. The hate machine, the love machine, the machine powered by many machines. We are all part of it, helping it grow, and helping it grow on us." - Stated in 50 Days of Lulz letter.
Looks like our friends Lulz Security are done sailing the seas themselves but look to influence others to create fleets or armadas of their own. The quote above was taken from their 50 Days of Lulz letter stating their good byes and the idea of who they are and what they planned to do. Anyone whose a gamer and various companies and victims now know Lulz Security. They may of lasted only 50 days, but within those 50 days, they managed to touch and influence millions through a twitter feed and just six hackers influencing the world to help them in their campaign. Their impact proves how much a small group of people can accomplish in such a short period. While people from the outside see them as rambunctious hackers hacking companies for no reason, we know what they truly were trying to do. In their short existence they were seeking to expose companies and show society their weaknesses. We know they weren't just a bunch of hackers, they used their striking force called their followers by DDoS'ing several sites just to show they could. Lulz Sec will be remembered for at least the next month and spoken of. The question is from on out, were people influenced and will follow in their footsteps? Or are their 50 Days of Lulz going to disintegrate away?
Robinson Crusoe: The Game (Flash) Walkthrough & Tips

Just finished up playing Robinson Crusoe: The Game over on Newgrounds. My first run I quickly grabbed the hammer and axe and ran inland. I came across the cave and figured alright, now I have a dry spot to sleep, then figured for fresh water, I'd need a lake or pond inland. Main reason I went toward the center of the island. My first run I avoided the whole right side of the island which was a very bad idea.
Get the tools first! Instead of running inward, grab the hammer and axe, then head right along the water. You'll get the porn magazine, a bucket, a fishing pole, and later on Wilson the volleyball appears here. I read a comment saying that when your guy says he's so lonely Wilson appears but I really didn't pay attention, just checked that area near the end of the days. I think it's just for achievement/medal purposes, but I could be wrong. So after getting those tools, head up a little from that side and grab food from the three trees, then leather and meat from the six or so deer. Now go back toward the water and follow it all the way left until you see the lake. Grab the bible and saw. The pick axe is a little north along the lake. Near the pick axe is three deer, leave them for now but if you want you can grab the leather and meat whenever. Leather isn't needed until like the cabin. Then the fortress so it's not an extreme thing, but you can use the meat.
Gather in the right order! Make sure not to get the meat first, as you need to get the leather, then the meat. You'll notice trees are similar, if you get the log first, you can't get everything else. If you get the leaves, you can't get the coconut. The bark allows you still to get everything else. If you need to find stone, there's stone around the cave right of this area, and stone all along the top of the map.
Keep your hunger, thirst, tiredness, and happiness under control! The top of the map has the most stone. I wouldn't bother making the well, as you can easily get water from the lake or your bucket. The first thing I made was a camp in the sleeping section. Then I think I made an altar, then workshop for planks. Don't bother with the farm, I made a farm and don't think I benefited from it at all within like three days. Pretty sure from there I went to the fireplace for cooking as it helps a load. It's good to get the fishing pole in the beginning as it's a quick and dependable source for food. Once you get the fishing pole you don't have to depend on wasting time getting coconuts and such. The raw fish gives a nice amount of hunger, but when that's cooked and the meat is cooked it gives a good 80 - 90% which is definitely really good. No need to worry about hunger then, water is easy, just go to the lake and drink from it. If you have the bucket which you can get early on as I stated, you can then use the bucket near the bottom for water. It fills up every time you drink water from the lake. Sleeping and happiness is the only thing you'll need to worry about from here on out. Allowing one thing to be empty I've found hasn't been enough to kill me for maybe like a day. I don't recommend it, but you don't need to get scared if it drops and your guy says he's dying. Avoid having two bars empty as then you're in trouble. At some point I ended up wasting time to make a farm, instead of making a farm from the seeds you can gather from the three trees near your base by the lake, instead grab food from them. They don't regenerate I believe, but each fruit fills like 90%. By the way, don't bother with getting coconuts, it takes a few seconds that can be used to be chopping trees. You'll want to chop a ton of trees down for wood as you can use it to then make planks. I believe shortly after the farm I made the cabin which is great for quick sleeping. Now at this point you'll have a food source from the river and the fireplace. You'll have a lake and bucket for water. And the cabin will wipe out your sleep meter. Then I noticed the small shack you can make for your happiness, this is only 4 planks which is rather easy to make. I made that and it's like a mini game where you have to press space on a bar in the middle of a meter while a bar runs back in forth on it. Each time you succeed you get a bit of happiness, but if you manage to finish the game, your bar automatically goes to the max. If you're good at this like I was, it's great for happiness and the church isn't needed. The church is a waste of resources and time as you are being timed before the cannibals arrive. Now you'll realize you can easily cover every need.
Lets make that fortress! You should have a few days left like three or four. I didn't mention it earlier, but you don't need to, but while running around either chopping trees down, you'll want to grab some bark here and there. Not a need though. If you didn't, later on you can use bark for making rope. That means, we'll want to make the small station for making rope now. Relatively easy to make. In order for a load of stone, run along the top of the island it has loads of stone, if you need more, then check the cave for the rest you need. If you make a well, chances are you might not have enough for the fortress. The 10 bark you need to make into 10 rope will be easy to get as you'll realize regardless of how many trees you've cut down, there's always more. If you haven't yet, skin the three deer near your base and get meat from them and cook it. The meat will be great for if you're travelling around or any other moments of need. You should have enough leather, you may have an extra or two even. After having finished the fortress, you're basically free to do whatever. My last day I finished my fortress early in the morning and just kept my needs up so I didn't die. So even though it's the last day, I'm sure you can still die and lose. You don't need to enter your fortress or anything special, so don't worry, as long as you have it made, you'll win once they arrive.
Going for a good score? For extra score, start fishing a load of fish, as you'll get a food bonus in score for what you have left over. I'm sure this is what people probably do for more score. And well that's my guide to the game, happy to help.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Guild Wars 2: Underwater Combat
"You’ll discover spectacular sights, diverse challenges, and powerful enemies while underwater in Guild Wars 2. In a recent blog post Ree Soesbee described one of the many races you’ll encounter under the sea, the totally evil krait, but we’ve got a lot more up our proverbial wetsuit sleeves. Although the shark from Jaws was unable to make an appearance (conflicting schedules due to his current projects), we’ve enlisted a myriad of equally fearsome underwater dwellers, ill-tempered fish, and fantastic sea monsters to fill out our underwater world. From thundershrimp to icewater barracudas, we’ve got you covered for underwater mobs which means you need to be able to fight." - Read in detail on it here with more screenshots.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Full Terraria Update!
New Enemy - Lava slime, this enemy leaves behind lava on death
New Enemy - Hellbat
New Enemy - Demon
New Enemy - Jellyfish (Two variations, Pink and Blue)
New Enemy - Shark
New Enemy - Vulture
New Enemy - Crab
New Enemy - Antlion
Changed the way worm enemies spawn.
Bats, Hornets, and Eyeballs no longer enter water.
Slimes now float in water.
Only one giant slime will appear at a time.
The Guide now seems quite knowledgeable in what an item can be made into if you show it to him.
NPC shops now sell some items on certain nights, or after certain events.
Devourers should no longer gain random other enemies as its head.
The Nurse now charges the correct amount for healing.
Bats now have a death sound effect.
Talking to the old man at night will give the player a warning now before summoning the dungeon boss.
Entering the dungeon before defeating Skeletron now spawns a new NPC instead of Skeletron’s head. This should fix several issues with that event.
Enemy coin drops have been adjusted.
Man Eaters and Snatchers are no longer effected by knockback and can attack through walls.
Eater of Souls’ and Hornet AI has been improved.
Enemies now take up different amount of *slots* depending on AI style and strength. This will help balance conditions when there are lots of strong monsters spawned at once, such as Imps and Bone Serpents.
Fish are no longer upside-down when out of water.
Green slimes have been weakend so that start players can deal with them more easily.
Slimes and Flying enemies no longer make a splash sound when hitting water.
Items of “Blue Rarity” or higher no longer burn up in lava.
Burning Skull has been renamed to Cursed Skull, and given different AI.
Enemy caster’s have had their rate of fire slowed down.
Meteor heads have less health, do more damage, and move slower.
There are now slight size variations to the Eater of Souls and the Angry Bones.
Skeletron has less defense and health.
New Feature : Buffs activated by Using Potions. Right click a buff to remove it from yourself.
New Item : Hellfire Arrow.
New Item : Sandgun.
New Item : Guide Voodoo Doll.
New Vanity Items : Familiar Wig, Shirt, Pants to be worn in Social slots to “Hide your Armor”.
New Vanity Items : Doctors Shirt and Pants.
New Item : Diving Helmet.
New Item : Night’s Edge
New Item : Dark Lance
New Item : Demon Scythe
New Item : Trident
New Item : Coral
New Item : Cactus
New Item : Spear
New Item : Glowstick
New Item : Sticky Glowstick
New Item : Throwing Knife
New Item : Poison Knife
New Item : Silver Bullet
New Item : Wooden Boomerang
New Item : Blowpipe
New Item : Seed (Ammo for Blowpipe)
New Item : Obsidian Skin Potion
New Item : Regeneration Potion
New Item : Swiftness Potion
New Item : Gills Potion
New Item : Defense Potion
New Item : Mana Regeneration Potion
New Item : Magic Power Potion
New Item : Featherfall potion
New Item : Spelunker Potion
New Item : Invisibility Potion
New Item : Shine Potion
New Item : Night Owl Potion
New Item : Battle Potion
New Item : Thorns Potion
New Item : Archery Potion
New Item : Water Walking Potion
New Item : Hunter Potion
New Item : Gravitation Potion
New Item : Daybloom
New Item : Daybloom Seeds
New Item : Moonglow
New Item : Moonglow Seeds
New Item : Blinkroot
New Item : Blinkroot Seeds
New Item : Deathweed
New Item : Deathweed Seeds
New Item : Waterleaf
New Item : Waterleaf Seeds
New Item : Fireblossom
New Item : Fireblossom Seeds
New Item : Shark Fin
New Item : Feather
New Item : Gold Chest
New Item : Bottled Water
New Item : Tombstone
New Item : Illegal Gun Parts
New Item : Antlion Mandible
The Silver Short swords recipe has been corrected, it is now craftable.
Torches and candles no longer work when wet.
Destroying a placed sign while you are reading it will no longer cause your character to become frozen.
Rocket boots no longer require mana. They will provide lift for 1 second and recharge every time the player touches the ground or uses grapple. Lift speed has been slightly increased to offset loss of long flights. This makes the boots more viable for caster Characters.
The explosion animation for bombs is now correctly displayed in multiplayer.
There is now a message pop-up when the player receives an item.
Filled Buckets may no longer be emptied into solid ground.
Pots in the underworld now have a chance to drop hellfire arrows.
Handgun and Phoenix Blaster have been reduced in size.
Lowered the knockback of Muramasa.
Reduced the damage of the Blue Moon.
Flintlock Pistol and Musket have increased damage.
Only normal trees drop acorns.
Falling sand clumps are no longer carried by magic missiles/flamelash.
Jungle armor is no longer a drop. It is a craftable set.
Magic Mirror now requires mana to be used.
Harpoon and Maces now correctly show the player’s arm animation.
The arms dealer will sell unholy arrows at night after the Eater of Worlds has been defeated.
Space Gun does more damage, but only penetrates 2 enemies.
Spam detection is less aggressive.
Increase multiplayer security.
Fixed a bug that could crash the server when the max amount of clients are connected.
Added an option to enable additional cheat protection for servers.
Servers now hibernate when no players are connected.
Blood Moons now stop correctly if time is changed to day by the server.
Game Interface
Upon death, A more specific death message will appear for other players, so they know how you died.
The crafting and armor interface text will fade out when an item tooltip is in front of it.
The Hot Bar now shows the name of the selected item.
PVP now requires 5 seconds between Activation and Deactivation and visa versa to prevent PVP spam. The same cooldown is in effect for Team Changing as well.
Added hotkeys for quickly drinking healing, mana, and buff potions.The healing/mana potion you use is based on the same principle arrows are. Top-Left most item first. The buff potions are all used at once.
Holding right click on an empty space in the inventory will no longer make a sound effect as if something was there to be picked up.
Defense totals are now shown in your inventory.
World Gen
Tweaked the way sand is created during world gen. (Requires new world.)
Oceans are now slightly larger and generation layout has been improved. (Requires new world.)
Cactus now grow on sand.
Coral now grows in the ocean.
Chests can now spawn near the surface of the world. They will contain treasure that new players may find useful. (Requires new world.)
Chests and pots now contain loot based on the level they spawn in. (Requires new world.)
Gold chests will now spawn in some parts of the world. (Requires new world.)
Corrupt chasms have less of a chance to spawn on jungles. They also now have a cave connecting most of the chasms. (Requires new world.
Traces of demonite are created during world gen. (Requires new world.
Surface jungles have been enlarged, and will override deserts. (Requires new world.
New Enemy - Lava slime, this enemy leaves behind lava on death
New Enemy - Hellbat
New Enemy - Demon
New Enemy - Jellyfish (Two variations, Pink and Blue)
New Enemy - Shark
New Enemy - Vulture
New Enemy - Crab
New Enemy - Antlion
Changed the way worm enemies spawn.
Bats, Hornets, and Eyeballs no longer enter water.
Slimes now float in water.
Only one giant slime will appear at a time.
The Guide now seems quite knowledgeable in what an item can be made into if you show it to him.
NPC shops now sell some items on certain nights, or after certain events.
Devourers should no longer gain random other enemies as its head.
The Nurse now charges the correct amount for healing.
Bats now have a death sound effect.
Talking to the old man at night will give the player a warning now before summoning the dungeon boss.
Entering the dungeon before defeating Skeletron now spawns a new NPC instead of Skeletron’s head. This should fix several issues with that event.
Enemy coin drops have been adjusted.
Man Eaters and Snatchers are no longer effected by knockback and can attack through walls.
Eater of Souls’ and Hornet AI has been improved.
Enemies now take up different amount of *slots* depending on AI style and strength. This will help balance conditions when there are lots of strong monsters spawned at once, such as Imps and Bone Serpents.
Fish are no longer upside-down when out of water.
Green slimes have been weakend so that start players can deal with them more easily.
Slimes and Flying enemies no longer make a splash sound when hitting water.
Items of “Blue Rarity” or higher no longer burn up in lava.
Burning Skull has been renamed to Cursed Skull, and given different AI.
Enemy caster’s have had their rate of fire slowed down.
Meteor heads have less health, do more damage, and move slower.
There are now slight size variations to the Eater of Souls and the Angry Bones.
Skeletron has less defense and health.
New Feature : Buffs activated by Using Potions. Right click a buff to remove it from yourself.
New Item : Hellfire Arrow.
New Item : Sandgun.
New Item : Guide Voodoo Doll.
New Vanity Items : Familiar Wig, Shirt, Pants to be worn in Social slots to “Hide your Armor”.
New Vanity Items : Doctors Shirt and Pants.
New Item : Diving Helmet.
New Item : Night’s Edge
New Item : Dark Lance
New Item : Demon Scythe
New Item : Trident
New Item : Coral
New Item : Cactus
New Item : Spear
New Item : Glowstick
New Item : Sticky Glowstick
New Item : Throwing Knife
New Item : Poison Knife
New Item : Silver Bullet
New Item : Wooden Boomerang
New Item : Blowpipe
New Item : Seed (Ammo for Blowpipe)
New Item : Obsidian Skin Potion
New Item : Regeneration Potion
New Item : Swiftness Potion
New Item : Gills Potion
New Item : Defense Potion
New Item : Mana Regeneration Potion
New Item : Magic Power Potion
New Item : Featherfall potion
New Item : Spelunker Potion
New Item : Invisibility Potion
New Item : Shine Potion
New Item : Night Owl Potion
New Item : Battle Potion
New Item : Thorns Potion
New Item : Archery Potion
New Item : Water Walking Potion
New Item : Hunter Potion
New Item : Gravitation Potion
New Item : Daybloom
New Item : Daybloom Seeds
New Item : Moonglow
New Item : Moonglow Seeds
New Item : Blinkroot
New Item : Blinkroot Seeds
New Item : Deathweed
New Item : Deathweed Seeds
New Item : Waterleaf
New Item : Waterleaf Seeds
New Item : Fireblossom
New Item : Fireblossom Seeds
New Item : Shark Fin
New Item : Feather
New Item : Gold Chest
New Item : Bottled Water
New Item : Tombstone
New Item : Illegal Gun Parts
New Item : Antlion Mandible
The Silver Short swords recipe has been corrected, it is now craftable.
Torches and candles no longer work when wet.
Destroying a placed sign while you are reading it will no longer cause your character to become frozen.
Rocket boots no longer require mana. They will provide lift for 1 second and recharge every time the player touches the ground or uses grapple. Lift speed has been slightly increased to offset loss of long flights. This makes the boots more viable for caster Characters.
The explosion animation for bombs is now correctly displayed in multiplayer.
There is now a message pop-up when the player receives an item.
Filled Buckets may no longer be emptied into solid ground.
Pots in the underworld now have a chance to drop hellfire arrows.
Handgun and Phoenix Blaster have been reduced in size.
Lowered the knockback of Muramasa.
Reduced the damage of the Blue Moon.
Flintlock Pistol and Musket have increased damage.
Only normal trees drop acorns.
Falling sand clumps are no longer carried by magic missiles/flamelash.
Jungle armor is no longer a drop. It is a craftable set.
Magic Mirror now requires mana to be used.
Harpoon and Maces now correctly show the player’s arm animation.
The arms dealer will sell unholy arrows at night after the Eater of Worlds has been defeated.
Space Gun does more damage, but only penetrates 2 enemies.
Spam detection is less aggressive.
Increase multiplayer security.
Fixed a bug that could crash the server when the max amount of clients are connected.
Added an option to enable additional cheat protection for servers.
Servers now hibernate when no players are connected.
Blood Moons now stop correctly if time is changed to day by the server.
Game Interface
Upon death, A more specific death message will appear for other players, so they know how you died.
The crafting and armor interface text will fade out when an item tooltip is in front of it.
The Hot Bar now shows the name of the selected item.
PVP now requires 5 seconds between Activation and Deactivation and visa versa to prevent PVP spam. The same cooldown is in effect for Team Changing as well.
Added hotkeys for quickly drinking healing, mana, and buff potions.The healing/mana potion you use is based on the same principle arrows are. Top-Left most item first. The buff potions are all used at once.
Holding right click on an empty space in the inventory will no longer make a sound effect as if something was there to be picked up.
Defense totals are now shown in your inventory.
World Gen
Tweaked the way sand is created during world gen. (Requires new world.)
Oceans are now slightly larger and generation layout has been improved. (Requires new world.)
Cactus now grow on sand.
Coral now grows in the ocean.
Chests can now spawn near the surface of the world. They will contain treasure that new players may find useful. (Requires new world.)
Chests and pots now contain loot based on the level they spawn in. (Requires new world.)
Gold chests will now spawn in some parts of the world. (Requires new world.)
Corrupt chasms have less of a chance to spawn on jungles. They also now have a cave connecting most of the chasms. (Requires new world.
Traces of demonite are created during world gen. (Requires new world.
Surface jungles have been enlarged, and will override deserts. (Requires new world.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC Annihilation 6/28/11
Yep more DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops. It's a map pack containing four new multiplayer maps and one zombie map. Some people would prefer more zombie maps while other hardcore players are more for the intense multiplayer ones. I'd say they should either make two different DLC's in the future, one for multiplayer maps and one for zombies. Or make one pack having two zombie, two multiplayer. Balance it out, as after World at War zombies became a huge thing in the Call of Duty series practically being it's own game and bringing a huge attraction of players. I found it to be funny that near the beginning of the trailer, Black Ops shows it's true colors and Activision accepted it, a player runs right up to someone and bounces a 40mm grenade off a players face. Heeelllooo neutuber. Check out a trailer on the map pack Annihilation coming out for Xbox 360 6/28/11 below!
Ryan Cleary Charged With Various DDoS's, not LulzSec
The 19 year old Ryan Cleary originally thought to be the leader or part of LulzSec by various press groups, has been proven unrelated. LulzSec still states they attacked SOCA, but Ryan Cleary has also been proven to of attacked SOCA as well. They're supposedly not connected and it could just be a coincidence or perhaps Ryan Cleary decided to act when LulzSec did. Perhaps he was trying to put the blame on LulzSec or it was just a mere coincidence. Ryan Cleary has been charged with various crimes such as the one below:
Each crime can be located here.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Lead Technical Director of Lionhead Leaves
Simon Carter announced to earlier that he has left Lionhead Studios. Simon Carter has been working with the Fable series even before Lionhead when he was originally with Big Blue Box as the Co-Founder. The company merged with Lionhead and Simon Carter has served since as the Lead Technical Director of action RPG's over at Lionhead. He helped create the three previous Fable games along with creating Dungeon Keeper while working with Lionhead. "The decision to leave Lionhead was a very difficult one," Simon stated. "After initiating the franchise over a decade ago I still love the world of Fable, and I'm very proud of what Big Blue Box and Lionhead achieved." Simon Carter and his brother Dene who also left Lionhead Studios are going to create their own studio focused on creating digital games for the Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, Steam, and creating mobile games. With the gaming industry changing and developing, Simon Carter decided there are too many opportunities for him to pursue and chose to take on a new role in gaming. "Everything is changing," "Consumer play habits, the relationship between the player and the developer, new funding and payment models; in a few years things are likely to look very different from the industry we know now." Will this have an affect on games to come by Lionhead? Probably, will we notice it? Who knows. The upcoming game in the Fable series is Fable: The Journey which was displayed at E3 strongly using Kinect.
LEGO Universe Adding Free To Play Area
LEGO Universe the MMO for kids is bringing a Free to Play area to the game. For those of you who haven't played it or are interested or even may have children that you think would enjoy it, this is a good demo I bet. In August, they're bringing two F2P adventure areas and a personal area where you create your own stuff. The game isn't going to have an item shop coming or anything along the path of micro transactions. In order to explore the rest of the game you'd have to pay the subscription of $10 per month. If you just want to see what the game is like or are thinking about playing for $10 per month, go check out the F2P part to see what the game is like.
Curious About The Connection Between Annonymous and LulzSec?
Yet another video speaking about LulzSec and their now ally Annonymous. nternet jester Lulzsec has joined forces with hacktivist group Anonymous for what they are calling Operation AntiSec.
"The new target is government organizations all over the world. Lulzsec is calling for all hackers to put aside past grievances and join the fight.
After their recent high-profile hacking of Sony and the CIA garnered a lot of media attention, Lulzsec defended their actions.
But rival hackers the Web Ninjas have set out to unmask Lulzsec.
According to Lulzsec, their next targets might not be a government agency after all, but the hackers who hacked their beloved SEGA."
AntiSec Hacker Suspect Arrested
The Metropolitan Police arrested a 19 year old living in Essex, England for the DDoS'ing of various sites. The 19 year old is being accused of being LulzSec, but LulzSec is still tweeting after the attack. LulzSec denies that this was them and denied that they attacked SOCA themselves. The 19 year old supposedly attacked SOCA in name of #AntiSec; a rebellion alongside LulzSec.
"Seems the glorious leader of LulzSec got arrested, it's all over now... wait... we're all still here! Which poor bastard did they take down?" - Tweeted by LulzSec
The Metropolitan Police suspects that 19 year old is also involved with the PSN hack, while articles state they still believe they're LulzSec while tweets show otherwise likely. Scotland Yard continued to look further into the situation to see if there were any links to other hacks or any evidence and supposedly found some.
"Earlier today, Scotland Yard said a search of the LulzSec suspect’s address in Essex has “led to the examination of a significant amount of material”." - Develop stated here
They may have of caught someone but it looks like it's not LulzSec. But rather #AntiSec, I suppose we'll see what holds in the future for this case. Perhaps LulzSec is more than one person or someone is in place of their Twitter for the time being and that is LulzSec. Who knows, it could be a variety of things, but time will tell. For now patience is a virtue.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Interview With Wolfram von Funck, Dev of Cube World
"I’m 32 years old, live in Germany, and have programmed games and engines half of my life. Besides that I’m also interested in drawing and digital art. I have studied computer science and after receiving my PhD, I started my own small graphics software company ( Game programming is still my hobby and Cube World is my first “serious” game project." - Wolfram von Funck
Read up on the full interview here by DIYGamer
Can You Survive a Horde of 400 Zombies?
Lets let the video answer that question. Personally, I think I could of done better than them, although the Nerf darts are tough to put into guns. But I suppose once I got to the house instead of putting darts onto my vest, I'd put them into multiple guns. So I could just fire off a full clip on a gun, switch to another, fire that one off, switch to another. And just keep going basically. They said you only had two minutes to prepare but still, it'd be a good strategy I think. Being that this is also Nerf guns, there's a big difference between fighting zombies with real guns. Plus, what about grenades ftw.
Pacman on a New Level
Ever wondered what Pacman would be like in real life? I think it'd go something like this.
Valve Planning a Free to Play Title?
Yep that's right, Doug Lombardi; the Vice President of marketing for Valve, states "Yes" when asked if Valve has a free to play project upcoming. After looking a little into this, I noticed over at Game Informer here they mentioned that it could be in reference to Valve's DotA 2. It hasn't been stated whether it'll be Free to Play but it wouldn't be a surprise as another game similar to DotA, League of Legends has been very successful and is a Free to Play. Valve may be following their footsteps perhaps. Game Informer goes into detail on Dota 2 here for anyone curious.
SOCA Was DDoS'd Earlier by LulzSec
SOCA, the Serious Organized Crime Agency was DDoS'd an hour earlier by LulzSec. If LulzSec is able to DDoS various security sites, how are we supposed to expect anything to happen against them. The senate, the CIA, SOCA, and what sounds like soon the FBI as well. As we can see the Lulz Boat is cruising along trigger happy with their cannons taking down target after target. It may not be permanent take downs, but it's the idea that they are able to take down their target.
"Tango down - - in the name of #AntiSec" - Tweeted earlier by LulzSec
"Tango down - - in the name of #AntiSec" - Tweeted earlier by LulzSec
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Usage of Alchemy in Terraria 1.0.5
To read up on an article over on Terraria about the patch by the developer Tiy, check out here. The reversing of gravity seems like I could entertain myself for hours. Like what if I did that outside or made a reaaaaallllly long tunnel down and just kept doing that =P I think I might just go down to hell and then work my way back up to the surface by playing upside down. Maybe just turn my head upside down, it's like working my way from hell to heaven. =D Looks like at least 9 buffs to come from what I can see in the video. So that should be fun to make, I'm curious what the idea is going to be for the ingredients. If they're going to add plants or items you can get to make the potions. Like gathering herbs or something. Also noticed a few new weapons in the video, looks exciting as I am a player as well. Noticed a dark Llance like weapon, a demon scythe, among other weapons you see blips of. My brother pointed out that as you move the background moves, instead of it just being one image. Looks like something exciting to look forward to definitely. I think we can all agree Terraria gets updated more than Minecraft.
1000+ FBI-Affiliates Compromised by LulzSec
"Recently we broke into (Infragard Connecticut) via simple SQLi and compromised 1000+ FBI-affiliated members."
"Recently we got bored of owning FBI, so we're just throwing it out there. You guys suck, stop reusing your damn passwords, peons!"
"To further embarrass the FBI, we're not going to leak said users. We're simply going to allow the press to call them and ask about it. :)"
"Recently we got bored of owning FBI, so we're just throwing it out there. You guys suck, stop reusing your damn passwords, peons!"
"To further embarrass the FBI, we're not going to leak said users. We're simply going to allow the press to call them and ask about it. :)"
Saturday, June 18, 2011
LEGO StarCraft Banshee FTW
The LEGO StarCraft Banshee in great detail was made by Antti Havala; also known as Drakmin on Flicker. The Banshee features two motors, four rotors, a rotor pitch, and two LED headlights. This definitely shows Drakmin put some time into making this the real deal. Next thing you know it'll be firing rockets.
Friday, June 17, 2011
LulzSec May Attack CIA Again
"If we get 1500 people in (irc channel) we'll take down again for the lulz. Come be part of the fun!"
"On 1000 people. :D"
- Tweeted by LulzSec earlier.
Tribal Wars DDoS'd by LulzSec
The browser based online game Tribal Wars site has been DDoS'd by LulzSec. Someone requested Tribal Wars be hit and the contract was taken as we can see. It's still down at this very moment and hopefully will be back up soon. LulzSec said they laid off them for 60 seconds, hopefully they'll stop soon enough. Another hit is likely coming today on another small gaming site. Feel free to read the tweets below by LulzSec 10 - 15 mins ago:
"Tango down - - and all of their login servers are toast. By request of an anonymous caller."
"Okay, their login servers just got fried. We laid off the site for 60 seconds and switched ammunition. Now their network is toasted."
F.E.A.R. 3 - Scrawlings of Madmen
Check out this FEAR 3 trailer where Comic John Carpenter & Director Steve Niles discuss working on FEAR 3 in a short 3 minutes.
Yet Another Victim of The Hacking, Sega
Among the other hacking incidents lately such as Sony, Nintendo, Bethesda, Epic, and the list goes on. Members of the Sega forums were sent an email discussing the details of the attack earlier today. Sega stated:
"We have identified that a subset of Sega Pass members emails addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords were obtained. To stress, none of the passwords obtained were stored in plain text."
"Please note that no personal payment information was stored by Sega as we use external payment providers, meaning your payment details were not at risk from this intrusion."
As previous companies have been hacked, the situation has always been similar. Emails, passwords, dates of birth, usually that zone as opposed to credit cards or any payment details. Fortunately it's quick hit and runs for account details. I'm sure we can expect another company to pop up again tomorrow or in the next few days.
Battlefield 3 Gameplay on PS3
The video shows Jimmy from the Late Night Show playing Battlefield 3. In the video you'll notice physical interaction with players, more blowing up walls, taking on an army of enemies in a parking lot, and more. Look forward to BF3 October 25th.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Deus Ex: Human Revolution E3 Demo/Interview
Kyle Stallock and Sid Shuman talk throughout the video about Deus Ex while Adam plays the demo. Throughout the demo in the video you'll see how the game plays and the difference between lethal and non-lethal usage during missions. Also you can learn a thing or two about the changes from older ones to Human Revolution as Kyle and Sid discuss the game.
Family Guy Online Taking Registrations
Family Guy Online is taking registrations for the beta today! Earlier in the year Activision mentioned that they were making a project for the show Family Guy. It looks like Fox is going to make it a Pay to Play game along with an virtual items, such as an item shop. To register go here.
Interview With Patrick Bach About Battlefield 3
PlayStation interviews Patrick Bach; the Executive Producer of Battlefield 3, about DICE's upcoming game Battlefield 3. While watching the interview you'll see spurts of gameplay along with the tank trailer released earlier on.
L.A. Noire Nicholson Electroplating DLC Case Trailer
The Nicholson Electroplating arson case trailer was just released and will be coming out next week on June 21st. You'll be able to buy it for $3.99 on the PlayStation Network or 320 Microsoft Points on the Xbox 360. The explosion in the beginning should give you a quick jump and show that something new is on the scene.
"In L.A. Noire, when a devastating explosion at the Nicholson Electroplating plant rocks downtown Los Angeles, Arson desk detectives Phelps and Biggs are called to the scene. Was this just a tragic accident, or is something more sinister at play?"
BioWare NeverWinter Forum Server Hacked
BioWare stated that their NeverWinter Nights forum was hacked and that approximately 18,000 accounts were hacked. The information stolen only goes as far as account names, passwords, email addresses, and birth dates of the above 18,000. The attack happened two days ago, June 14th. As with several other sites being attacked by Lulz Security, it wouldn't be surprising if this was another attack by them. Their twitter hasn't suggested anything on attacking the forum, which often they will reveal their attack moments before and during. BioWare responded with the following statement from Aaryrn Flynn; the studio GM of BioWare Edmonton and Vice President of EA:
Yesterday (June 14), we learned that a hacker gained unauthorized access to the decade-old BioWare community server system associated with the Neverwinter Nights forums. We immediately took appropriate steps to protect our consumers’ data and launched an ongoing evaluation of the seriousness of the breach. We have determined that no credit card data was compromised, nor did we ever have or store sensitive data like social security numbers. However hackers may have obtained information such as user account names and passwords, email addresses, and birth dates of approximately 18,000 accounts – a very small percentage of total users. We have emailed those whose accounts may have been compromised and either disabled their accounts or reset their EA Account passwords. If you did not receive an email from us, or if your password still works for your EA account, your username and password were not compromised. Nevertheless, changing your password regularly is always helpful to protect your account.
We take the security of your information very seriously and regret any inconvenience this may have caused you. If your username, email address and/or password on the Neverwinter Nights forums are similar to those you use on other sites, we recommend changing your password at those sites as well. We advise all of our fans to always be aware of any suspicious emails or account activity and report any suspicious emails and account activity to Customer Support at 1-866-543-5435.
Cataclysm - Patch 4.2: Rage of the Firelands Trailer
"Across the breadth of Azeroth, the Horde and the Alliance have dealt crushing blows to Deathwing's elemental minions and fanatic Twilight's Hammer cultists. Through it all, the Earthen Ring has never wavered from its tireless charge, holding Azeroth itself together amid the tidal fury and errant magical energies that churn at the Maelstrom. Yet as the elements continue their chaotic upheaval, it seems that the noble shamanic order might finally be on the verge of breaking beneath the great weight that rests on its shoulders. Even Thrall, for all of his wisdom and skill, has grown aggravated by his failure to effectively communicate with Azeroth's elements. Recently, his calls were acknowledged, but the malevolent entity that responded has only intensified Thrall's fears and doubts.."
Read up on the patch in detail here!
Rumors of Half-Life 3
Check out the article here at Game Informer.
"According to his resume, Episode Three was put on hold when Valve decided to move away from the episodic model in late 2007, right after Episode Two’s release. He was a techinal advisor on a cancelled Half-Life title, made outside of the company. Dussault’s work on Half-Life 3′s world programming, and the scripting system (between 2008 and 2010) is also mentioned in the resume." - IGN
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Crysis 2 - Decimation DLC - 5 New Maps!
The Decimation Pack DLC for Crysis 2 is out and has five maps. I haven't played Crysis 2 personally, but those maps look pretty amazing. Check out the video above to see them if you haven't gotten them yet. Get it for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 or for $9.99 on the PC. The PS3 doesn't release the pack until June 28th, but it'll release for $9.99 as well.
GamersFirst Buys Fallen Earth
It's been announced that that GamersFirst has taken acquisition of Fallen Earth and is planning on making it a Free to Play game. Check out Fallen Earth's facebook page here mentioning it. Another article found here strongly discusses how this is going to work out and the new F2P business model coming. GamersFirst is going to be creating a studio exclusively working on Fallen Earth in North Carolina, allowing the old team of Icarus Studios to all continue working on the game. This'll allow the game to hopefully stay on the same course and not change significantly. But as it's going to become F2P, a load of new players will arrive and chances are the chat is going to be very annoying. I only played the 7 Day Trial so I don't know how strong the learning curve was but it seemed like there was one, hopefully some of the annoying ones won't make it up the hill. The Free to Play business model will be like the below:
Free: This is to be considered an unlimited free trial, by which players will be allowed to play the game from end to end completely free if they'd like. They just won't earn any reward points.
Silver: This tier will cost less than the current sub price (which is currently $14.99 a month) and provide the same content. All subscriptions (Silver, Gold, and VIP) will also earn enhanced XP gain.
Gold: This will cost the same as the current sub fee but offer more reward points and bonuses each month, which can be spent in the item shop. So you'll be getting more for the same price.
VIP: With this top tier (which will most likely cost more than the current sub fee), players will have the ability to share their VIP bonuses with everyone in their party in the form of a VIP "aura." So if one person in your party is VIP but the rest are free players, everyone in the group will still reap the rewards of this aura. These rewards are also stackable, so if you have a full party of VIP members, you can expect some crazy boosts for everyone in the group.
Also, the game will be a free download from the GamersFirst site, but the company will not be removing either the current stock of boxed copies being sold in brick and mortar stores or the Steam digital download. If you do buy a boxed copy, you'll get some sort of subscription compensation to equal things out. Details on this haven't been finalized yet.
Cartoon About Minecraft for Laughs!
Saw this over on Newgrounds by RubberNinja, enjoy. None of this is meant to be taken seriously, but figured I'd share a laugh. The end made me laugh pretty hard. =D
Eve Online Fired at by Lulz Boat
"Eve Online login servers are completely obliterated, looks like their website got knocked off via overkill."
"Eve website may or may not work off and on; we're not actually hitting it, their stuff is so crappy that it goes down with the logins."
"Eve server status: Uh-oh Tranquility!"
Lulz Security flooded the server Tranquility on Eve Online causing it to go offline. The attack was about an hour ago, supposedly at 1:00 Eve said though. The website also crashed on and off as two of the above tweets mention, but it wasn't through LulzSec. Eve Online responded with an article on their site here. It states that at 17:55 UTC they went offline to conduct a search to see if any personal information or anything else was breached figuring out that nothing was in fact stolen. The servers were brought back on at 23:00 UTC. They're going to continue to monitor the situation in case it occurs again.
"Eve website may or may not work off and on; we're not actually hitting it, their stuff is so crappy that it goes down with the logins."
"Eve server status: Uh-oh Tranquility!"
Lulz Security flooded the server Tranquility on Eve Online causing it to go offline. The attack was about an hour ago, supposedly at 1:00 Eve said though. The website also crashed on and off as two of the above tweets mention, but it wasn't through LulzSec. Eve Online responded with an article on their site here. It states that at 17:55 UTC they went offline to conduct a search to see if any personal information or anything else was breached figuring out that nothing was in fact stolen. The servers were brought back on at 23:00 UTC. They're going to continue to monitor the situation in case it occurs again.
Heroes of Newerth Hit by LulzSec
As the Lulz Boat continues to sail, they attacked the Heroes of Newerth's login server. From a recent twitter post it sounds like they're going to attack Eve this evening. I see whatcha did thar.
"HoN is lame, it's almost the evening... and you know what the EVEning brings... bwahahaha @EVEOnline your time is coming!" - LulzSec
Steam Adds Free to Play Category
Yep that's right, Steam added a Free to Play category. Currently it only features a few games such as Spiral Knights; a game I made a post about a few weeks back, Forsaken Worlds; like a WoW clone I've heard but haven't played it, Global Agenda: Free Agent; probably going to get around to that one, Champions Online: Free for All; haven't played it but I watched my brother play a bit, kind of a cool game, and Alliance of Valiant arms; AVA as I recall, I played it briefly but was having internet problems at the time so I stopped, maybe I'll get around to it again with some friends. My brother and a few friends have been playing Spiral Knights lately so I'm probably going to get around to that in a bit or later maybe. Probably make a post or two about it. Maybe make a clan at some point if anyone would be interested. Some of the Free to Play games have achievements you can unlock through steam which is a nice little thing. You can also buy game currency or items for/from the item shop through steam. If you're a steam player hit me up: Nickname: Snakester, Email: Don't bother emailing that account, I don't use it much anymore.
Pistons Coming To Minecraft
Does this look familiar?
Well it should because it's coming to Minecraft beta 1.7!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Machinima Livestreaming Duke Nukem Forever
Hit up the Machinima Livestream in the above video. Currently they're running around in multiplayer, so that should be a nice thing to look out. For anyone who doesn't know, Duke Nukem Forever came this morning at the midnight.
League of Legends Login Servers Down
"We're eying up the next target... laying off Minecraft, so go play that. Preparing a cannon attack on our main artillery shells!" - LulzSec
As they got bored with Minecraft they hit up League of Legends:
"League of Legends login servers down. :D" - LulzSec
This marks the end of TitanticTakeoverTuesday; LulzSec's DDoS party today.
This marks the end of TitanticTakeoverTuesday; LulzSec's DDoS party today.
Minecraft & Eve Online & Escapist Magazine Taken Down by LulSec
LulzSec DDoS'd Minecraft's login server, Eve Online's login server and Eve took their network down, and the Escapist Magazine was also taken down. Hit up LulzSec's twitter here to see the posts showing their joy of taking each group out.
Monday, June 13, 2011
MMOsite First Impression on Hellgate
Hellgate once was a retail game that had a singleplayer and multiplayer campaign, but now is coming back as an action rpg with a dark setting. A nice feature to the game is randomly generated dungeons that you can take on with friends. The game has PvE and PvP to fit both types of players which is nice in most MMO's. I tried to get in on this closed beta but couldn't find a code, so take a look at MMOsite's extensive first impression here!
Homefront Company Shuts down, THQ Takes Over
Kaos Studios; the developer of Homefront has been shut down supposedly. There's no clear idea of whether it was due to how the game was performing, the cost of the studio, or any other kind of reasons. THQ confirmed this and stated that THQ's Montreal studio ""will take over product development and overall creative management for the Homefront franchise." Kotaku attempted to figure out why Kaos Studios shut down through questioning THQ, but they declined to answer most direct questions. They also mentioned: "THQ's UK studio and KAOS employees will have the opportunity to interview for open positions with the company globally."
Epic Mash Up of E3 Trailers
Didn't watch all the trailers at E3? Well here's all of them, as one epic trailer. Take a look and see if you can name off most of the games that pop up before they start showing the titles. Noticed the mash up over at Kotaku, definitely epic music to fit the video. Credit to Polygamia for making the video. =]
Lulz Security Also Hacked Bethesda's Site
"Bethesda, we broke into your site over two months ago. We've had all of your Brink users for weeks. Please fix your junk, thanks! ^_^" - Lulz Security tweeted.
Bethesda confirmed the hack and stated, "While no personal financial information or credit card data was obtained, the hackers may have gained access to some user names, email addresses, and/or passwords." Make sure to keep an eye open, more sites are probably going to get hacked soon enough. Considering multiple game company sites have been hacked by Lulz Security and it probably will continue.
Check out the link tweeted by Lulz Security telling a story about hacking Bethesda here. Fortunately the accounts and passwords weren't given out, but internal data was.
All Points Bulletin Reloaded Review by TenTonHammer
Check out a review on All Points Bulletin Reloaded by the site TenTonHammer here! From what I've skimmed through it looks more like a fan talking in detail about what the game has to offer. It's two pages worth, but I'd say it's worth a read if you're an APB player for sure.
Duke Nukem Forever - Kotaku & IGN's Shot
"In the latest Duke Nukem game, the titular star is an offensive asshole, much of his macho charm having given way over the past decade to dick jokes even young boys would struggle to find funny." - Kotaku Luke Plunkett
Lunk Plunkett from Kotaku shares his thoughts on Duke Nukem Forever here.
"The hypocrisy of Duke Nukem Forever's distaste for new shooter heroes is clear early in the game. Duke is disgusted when offered a Halo-like suit of armor, asserting that his unassailable machismo is more resilient than any association with modernized entries of a genre he helped define in the mid-1990s" - IGN Charles Onyett
Check out IGN's review by Charles Onyett here!
Dark Souls This Fall!
Hey guys, Dark Souls by "From Software" will be coming out this fall supposedly. If you own or have played Demon Souls, I'm sure you know whats coming with Dark Souls. Demon Souls has been considered one of the most difficult games on the PS3, if you haven't played it yet, I'd say go give it a look. It's a tough but fun game if you have the patience and aren't going to throw your controller at the TV. Supposedly Dark Souls is going to be even harder, so make sure to look forward to the frustration to come. Just figured I'd warn you. =]
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Free Fan Appreciation DLC for Red Dead Coming
For all the fans and players of Red Dead Redemption like myself, there's a free fan appreciation DLC coming up. It's going to have new characters for online players and perhaps a new mode. Whatever it holds, it's free and I'm sure you'd all be willing to grab it as quick as me.
Friday, June 10, 2011
APB Appreciation to Closed Beta Players
Gamersfirst is appreciating players who played in the closed beta and real time world veterans by giving them a small "Closed Beta Appreciation Pack." Enjoy:
- 1 PERMANENT JG 840 Shotgun - NOTE: This weapon has a display error and says it's 10 days expire time but really it is permanent.
- 1 Character Slot
- 1 Air Guitar Emote
Terraria Update 6/10/11
Go check out the new patch for Terraria if you're into it like myself. Here's some of the new items coming out below. Check out the full patch here! For those of you that don't know what Terraria is, check the above trailer. =]
- Added Feature! - Social Slots. All normal armor and vanity items can be placed here to use their graphical appearance in place of equipped gear without overriding their stat gains.
- New Vanity Items - Tuxedo Shirt and Pants
- New Vanity Items - Plumber Outfit and Hat
- New Vanity Items - Hero Outfit and Hat
- New Vanity Item - Bunny Hood
- New Vanity Item - Fish Bowl
- New Vanity Item - Top Hat
- New Vanity Items - Archaeologist's Outfit and Hat
- New Vanity Item - Ninja Outfit.
- New Vanity Item - Red Hat.
- New Vanity Item - Summer Hat
- New Vanity Item - Robe
- New Vanity Item - Robot Hat
Arma 2 Multiplayer Free
Hey guys, Arma 2 Multiplayer will be coming out for free later in the month. I own the game personally and it can be fun, but don't expect this to be Bad Company 2. This is more so, as real as war can get, which means, there are moments where you will run across a desert for 20 minutes, be in a convoy where nothing goes on for an hour, or five minutes of fighting. Maybe strategically walking through a city. As the game allows you to make custom maps in the free version and the buyable version there is a huge variety of missions which is good. You can find a mission that'll take over 24 hours or a mission that'll take 15 minutes. The game is definitely something you'll want to play with friends or maybe join up a clan and play on their server. The campaign won't be allowed in the free version and you won't be able to mod in the free version. If you want to do either of those you'd have to buy Arma 2 for $39.99. There's an expansion called Operation Arrowhead that if you bought it separately from Arma 2 it'd be another $39.99, but instead you can buy them both for $44.99 which I recommend. Personally I found the game to be okay, but I wasn't huge on the long periods of time of doing nothing. I ended up joining a server to play with my brother, grabbed a mini helicopter, flew for ten minutes, go to the objective area. Ran for five minutes into a city area to find out all the killing and the objective was practically done. But there have been other times where I'd play a sniping or assault mission on a small village or town with my brother that have been okay. My personal experience has been debatable, so it's not at the top of the list for me but it definitely can be fun. You'll find that many veterans tend to play this game as well.
BioShock Infinite: Sky Lines
The above video explains Sky Lines that are used throughout the game for transportation. Originally they were used for transporting cargo until Columbia became a warring zone. The Founders and The Vox Populi; two warring factions, ended up using hooks to travel quickly using the Sky Lines. Ken Levine goes into detail in this four minute video explaining the Sky Lines for us.
Assassin's Creed Revelations E3 Demo!
Assassin's Creed II made our friend Ezio Auditore became a fearsome lone assassin. Then Brotherhood came around and lets just say now he's not alone and can finish an assassination with a whistle. Well now here comes Revelations, lets see what our badass master assassin is up to now. In the E3 demo you'll notice you now play an older version of Ezio Auditore in Constantinople. Supposedly the demo takes place midway through the game, which is nice so we can see all the action and such. Ezio is now equipped with a stronger bomb than earlier in the series, a hook blade which can be used as a weapon or for traversing quickly across zip lines. In the trailer you can see the hook blade used in combat and on the zip line twice. If you played Brotherhood, you'll know Leonardo Da Vinci has various missions for crazy siege machine plans he made that you can play with. Well near the end of the demo you'll see a flame thrower cannon sort of, which is called Greek Fire. Supposedly it is historically correct, interestingly enough. The demo is definitely an eye grabber for something at E3, tons of action and looks practically like something out of a movie. It's seemingly like it's going to be a dynamic game allowing you to either play rambo killing every guard in your way or stealthily make your way around like the games before Revelations. But as we can see, there will be new various deadly weapons. Check out the video, enjoy.
Rage Pushed Back to October
Yes it's true, Rage has been pushed back from September to October 4th in the US, October 7th in Europe, and October 5th in Australia. Not a huge push back fortunately, but still one. It's better to wait for the game to be developed well as opposed to getting a buggy game or something I'd say. Make sure not to rage too much over it, *ba dum csh*
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Desktop Dungeons
If you're looking for a game to play on a break, this game can go through a game within 5 to 15 minutes and it's kinda fun. It's a mini rogue-like rpg/adventure. It slightly reminds me of the rpg Powder if anyone's familiar with it. You can test the game on your browser here today but then you'll only be able to play the freeware version here. If you enjoy it you can pre-order it here for the price of $10 unless you'd like to get any sort of special edition. I'd definitely say it's worth checking out as it's a quick game for you to screw with, but it is a bit difficult and you'll need to play it safe & smart when coming across monsters. Not sure when it releases, it may of been posted on their forum, but I was unable to find anything.
Activision CEO Denied Look at BF3 Special Teaser
As of a CVG article, the Activision CEO pondered over to the booth of Battlefield 3 to check out the special teaser they had but was rejected at trying it. Many of us should know that the Battlefield and Call of Duty franchise have been back to back competing.
The Evolution of Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Props to Doubleleaf over at Deviant Art for showing us the evolution of our man in Assassin's Creed, Ezio Auditore da Firenze as he's grown from average folk to a hardcore assassin. For those of you who have played Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood, I'm sure you'll appreciate this. And for those of us looking forward to Revelations, it's coming out 11/15/11.
Saints Row 3 Car Wash
Yes, that's right Saints Row 3 has a bikini car wash at E3. Trailer...bikinis....trailer... I think I know what you guys want. Check out more images on Kotaku here!
Dragon Age III
Just a quick article this time. As I'm sure you've all expected there will be a Dragon Age III which was slipped by the Bioware Developer Allistair McNally saying:
"I'm looking for exceptional environment artists to join me at #BioWare Edmonton, Canada to work on #DragonAge3 #gamejobs #jobs #3D #artists" - McNally
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Nintendo 3DS eShop
"The Nintendo eShop is the digital store for Nintendo 3DS, your one-stop shop for a range of amazing content-downloadable right to your Nintendo 3DS system. Discover great software such as original 3D games, all-time classic titles re-mastered in 3D, legendary portable "virtual console" games, and more than 350 Nintendo DSiWare™ games. You can also view video game trailers, screenshots, and info for downloadable and retail games."
Bioshock Infinite Gameplay Trailer
Are you a follower of the Bioshock series? Well here comes Bioshock Infinite with a thrilling actiony gameplay!
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