Just finished up playing Robinson Crusoe: The Game over on Newgrounds. My first run I quickly grabbed the hammer and axe and ran inland. I came across the cave and figured alright, now I have a dry spot to sleep, then figured for fresh water, I'd need a lake or pond inland. Main reason I went toward the center of the island. My first run I avoided the whole right side of the island which was a very bad idea.
Get the tools first! Instead of running inward, grab the hammer and axe, then head right along the water. You'll get the porn magazine, a bucket, a fishing pole, and later on Wilson the volleyball appears here. I read a comment saying that when your guy says he's so lonely Wilson appears but I really didn't pay attention, just checked that area near the end of the days. I think it's just for achievement/medal purposes, but I could be wrong. So after getting those tools, head up a little from that side and grab food from the three trees, then leather and meat from the six or so deer. Now go back toward the water and follow it all the way left until you see the lake. Grab the bible and saw. The pick axe is a little north along the lake. Near the pick axe is three deer, leave them for now but if you want you can grab the leather and meat whenever. Leather isn't needed until like the cabin. Then the fortress so it's not an extreme thing, but you can use the meat.
Gather in the right order! Make sure not to get the meat first, as you need to get the leather, then the meat. You'll notice trees are similar, if you get the log first, you can't get everything else. If you get the leaves, you can't get the coconut. The bark allows you still to get everything else. If you need to find stone, there's stone around the cave right of this area, and stone all along the top of the map.
Keep your hunger, thirst, tiredness, and happiness under control! The top of the map has the most stone. I wouldn't bother making the well, as you can easily get water from the lake or your bucket. The first thing I made was a camp in the sleeping section. Then I think I made an altar, then workshop for planks. Don't bother with the farm, I made a farm and don't think I benefited from it at all within like three days. Pretty sure from there I went to the fireplace for cooking as it helps a load. It's good to get the fishing pole in the beginning as it's a quick and dependable source for food. Once you get the fishing pole you don't have to depend on wasting time getting coconuts and such. The raw fish gives a nice amount of hunger, but when that's cooked and the meat is cooked it gives a good 80 - 90% which is definitely really good. No need to worry about hunger then, water is easy, just go to the lake and drink from it. If you have the bucket which you can get early on as I stated, you can then use the bucket near the bottom for water. It fills up every time you drink water from the lake. Sleeping and happiness is the only thing you'll need to worry about from here on out. Allowing one thing to be empty I've found hasn't been enough to kill me for maybe like a day. I don't recommend it, but you don't need to get scared if it drops and your guy says he's dying. Avoid having two bars empty as then you're in trouble. At some point I ended up wasting time to make a farm, instead of making a farm from the seeds you can gather from the three trees near your base by the lake, instead grab food from them. They don't regenerate I believe, but each fruit fills like 90%. By the way, don't bother with getting coconuts, it takes a few seconds that can be used to be chopping trees. You'll want to chop a ton of trees down for wood as you can use it to then make planks. I believe shortly after the farm I made the cabin which is great for quick sleeping. Now at this point you'll have a food source from the river and the fireplace. You'll have a lake and bucket for water. And the cabin will wipe out your sleep meter. Then I noticed the small shack you can make for your happiness, this is only 4 planks which is rather easy to make. I made that and it's like a mini game where you have to press space on a bar in the middle of a meter while a bar runs back in forth on it. Each time you succeed you get a bit of happiness, but if you manage to finish the game, your bar automatically goes to the max. If you're good at this like I was, it's great for happiness and the church isn't needed. The church is a waste of resources and time as you are being timed before the cannibals arrive. Now you'll realize you can easily cover every need.
Lets make that fortress! You should have a few days left like three or four. I didn't mention it earlier, but you don't need to, but while running around either chopping trees down, you'll want to grab some bark here and there. Not a need though. If you didn't, later on you can use bark for making rope. That means, we'll want to make the small station for making rope now. Relatively easy to make. In order for a load of stone, run along the top of the island it has loads of stone, if you need more, then check the cave for the rest you need. If you make a well, chances are you might not have enough for the fortress. The 10 bark you need to make into 10 rope will be easy to get as you'll realize regardless of how many trees you've cut down, there's always more. If you haven't yet, skin the three deer near your base and get meat from them and cook it. The meat will be great for if you're travelling around or any other moments of need. You should have enough leather, you may have an extra or two even. After having finished the fortress, you're basically free to do whatever. My last day I finished my fortress early in the morning and just kept my needs up so I didn't die. So even though it's the last day, I'm sure you can still die and lose. You don't need to enter your fortress or anything special, so don't worry, as long as you have it made, you'll win once they arrive.
Going for a good score? For extra score, start fishing a load of fish, as you'll get a food bonus in score for what you have left over. I'm sure this is what people probably do for more score. And well that's my guide to the game, happy to help.
why can't i make robe even when i got mats? It let me do one rope and then nothing.
ReplyDeleteoh never mind wrong mats
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post. I liked it. Keep going I follow you.
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Gaming zone sharing of information look for really wonderful. I known like this site.
ReplyDeletehow did you go over 10 days.
ReplyDeletei win ^^!!