Announced on the Three Rings site today, Sega has acquired Three Rings Design. You may have heard of Three Rings through their two major games, Puzzle Pirates and Spiral Knights. Both of which are favored by children and older crowds as well.
The once independent company Three Rings made it's name for doing very successfully in creating Puzzle Pirates. Eventually Three Rings partnered with Sega to create Spiral Knights. Three Rings developed Spiral Knights and Sega published it November, 2011. In the time they've been partners they've definitely built a strong bond. Which Daniel James; CEO of Three Rings, makes obvious, "SEGA and Three Rings partnered to launch Spiral Knights, building a deep trust and mutual respect over the past year." With the acquiring of Three Rings by Sega, they'll now have much more support behind their projects. Especially their upcoming MMORPG Doctor Who: Worlds in Time, based on the Doctor Who series.
My experience with Three Rings definitely has resulted in mostly good things to say. A ways back I played Puzzle Pirates for countless hours over several months. I enjoyed playing it with my brother and all the new friends I made throughout the game. Joining a crew and working with them can be one of the best experiences of the game. The community can really be nice once you find a home. I enjoyed the game so much for a while that I made a crew myself on a Doubloon server. It did rather successfully while I was active and I made even more friends there. The puzzles aren't too difficult and even if there is one that's too tough for you, you can do a different one. While some players specialize in various puzzles, you may only need to do one or two to enjoy the game. Then there's Spiral Knights. Unfortunately I didn't play this for the longest time, but it was relatively fun. You're best off playing with friends, but you can meet up with random players and play through missions if you have trouble. My friends started to stray away from playing the game and soon so did I. But while we played, we had a ton of fun adventuring from dungeon to dungeon battling monsters.
Source: Three Rings Design
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