Sunday, December 11, 2011

Update! PS Vita Lost by DJ Deadmau5

"Sorry! didn't lose the lose the PS Vita! i just wanted to see how much management would freak out over it, trolololol. i'd never lose this thing, love it too much. :D" - Deadmau5


Ouch, you read that correctly. Joel "Deadmau5" Zimmerman was given a demo unit version of the PS Vita most likely because his music is going to be featured on Sound Shapes, a Vita launch title. The story goes, Zimmerman took a cab ride to his hotel from the VGA's with his new demo version of the PS Vita, let a friend play with it for a little, then his friend put it down on the seat. Zimmerman saw it on the seat, got out to the pay the cab driver, and at the last second remembered it was still in the cab. Unfortunately it was already too late.

Zimmerman's management was on the phone with the cab company for supposedly at least three hours. But still nothing, it's most likely gone by now, likely taken by another passenger. I sure know if I got into a cab and saw a PS Vita there, I'd do a double take, then grab it. Zimmerman tweeted the following, revealing it gone:

"F**K! I left my PSP Vita in a fuckin cab, calling cab company and they say they have like 500 dispatched now. Gunna be a long night... :(" - 7 hours ago

"I'm sure this woulda went over a lot better if it wasn't the f**king only demo unit outside Sonys walls. FML X2" - 7 hours ago

More tweets can be found on Zimmerman's twitter briefly discussing it more. Well if I were you guys, I'd watch Ebay for the next day or two and see if a PS Vita pops up for a load of money. If it fell into the right hands, it shouldn't be long. There's only a few demo units outside of Sony right now, but that one is now in the public. I suppose it could be worse. Lets see if anything does in fact arise over the next few days.

The PS Vita is set for launch in Japan December 17. Then Europe, Australia, and North America on February 22. It's going to sell for $249 in the U.S., $299 for the 3G unit.

Via: Kotaku

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