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Say hello to the world of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim! Earlier a Russian version of the Skyrim map was posted on Elderscrolls.net, but thanks to lexmirnov.ru we have a translated version of the map now! Feel free to explore the map and see what you can gather from it, while you can only mainly make out the landscape. You'll notice there are nine major cities such as there were in Oblivion. So the map size might as well be similar to Oblivion.
So get ready guys, I know I am. If you haven't played it yet, definitely pick up Oblivion or catch up on it again even if you have to prepare. I know I must of spent at least 300 hours playing Oblivion, so I can't wait to see how much time this game will enslave me for. Whether it be exploring the vast world, fighting enormous dragons, questing, or even killing villagers for fun, I know we'll have a load of things to spend time doing. And even when you've finished playing it, you'll be able to go back and look into a few dungeons or caves you may have passed over. I must of created at least five different characters, built the character different every time, and ended up playing the game entirely different each time learning new things. And I'm sure that's how this is going to play out. So get ready for Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim coming November 11th to Xbox 360, PS3, and PC!
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