Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Borderlands 2? Yes

It's been reported through Eurogamer that a Borderlands 2 is likely to be under way! It's been said before by the Gearbox boss; Randy Pitchford, that they had every intention of revisited the Borderlands franchise in the future at some point. Especially after how successful it did at launch and to this day. For several months Borderlands 2 has been a mere rumor, but now it's been confirmed. Soon a public announcement will be made by 2K Games revealing the details, so make sure to keep an eye on that if you're interested. I know I can't wait for it personally. Loved the first without a doubt. 

"So you can see that we supported the game like mad with lots of great DLC and you can imagine that we're going to want to do a lot of things with Borderlands in the future." - Take Two

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