Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dante's Inferno Blog Commentary with Tips 2

Heya everyone. It's 4:05 PM here now so I think I'm going to get started on playing a little more Dante's Inferno.  Probably going to post pone getting my Saints Row 2 disc fixed to tomorrow. Just a heads up as to the last post, each space in between paragraphs is for when I have a big pause and then come back with something to post. So I believe we stopped in Greed after the save around the gears. We got the soul and now are at the two shrines to the left. Grab those and lets go through the door.

After getting into the room you'll come across a new monster with two heads. I suppose he was greedy and they gave him two, *ba dum csh* Yeah I know, that wasn't funny. =P I'll make up for it later. Anyway, this guy does a spinning tornado attack where he moves around the room for like 10 - 15 seconds and you can't hurt him. You can block it as many times as you want or just evade/roll around while he does it. Picked up on the block relatively quick. You can now get like a 10 combo of just mashing X on him and he'll fall over. Then keep hitting his body and you'll knock it back a few times. Keep hitting it and I got up to like a 60 combo and he died. Basically he never gets up if you time it right. Then some more minions appear, just keep killing those. Then two of the two headed guys will pop up. Now get tactical and smart with these guys. There are still minions around, so when the two headed guys do the tornado move, have them move toward minions and toss them around. As I still had a ton of minions around during these guys, I'd do a double jump so the tornado couldn't reach me and then press B and do the Holy Blast wave attack. It'd shoot three since the double jump counts for the first attack I suppose in the combo, allowing you to attack the minions while the tornadoes are going around. Just got redemption so probably going to use that. Redemption doesn't let you attack them while they're in the tornado, just a heads up.

After killing them the lever will pop up again in the middle, use it, then run and jump up top. The shrine will have a Judas coin. After doing that, use the lever there, drop down quick and use the lever in the middle. Then run back and jump back up to that spot and jump onto the walls you've seen move up and down. It'll then work as an elevator and bring you up to that doorway above you. Run through it as it has spiked walls and can kill you. Evade/roll probably works.

After going down the elevator and entering the room with like the spinning death machine. I accidentally fell and it was a little arena scene with the two headed guy. Killed him, got some souls from a shrine, and a Judas Coin from one of the shrines in there as well.

After jumping around up top I got to the door that you're supposed to go through, but you can jump past here again and grab a ledge to get to a soul. This soul is Gessius Florus. He says in the game, "Please.. I had debts to repay. I.. never took pride." I looked at the wiki and it doesn't say anything about him owing any debts, but  if it were true it'd go against what the description says in the game. It says he did it for his own personal gain. For a quick history lesson, in the wiki it says he favored the Greek more than the Jews. I suppose that's what they mean in the description by splitting. The splitting wasn't necessarily his fault though as the Greeks took advantage of him favoring them. He kind of started the fire and the Greeks built it. It's said a Greek sacrificed several birds at the entrance of the Jew's synagogue; house of assembly. This declared the house unclean which was a big provocative moment. The Jews then tried to petition Florous for redress. They also gave him 8 talents so he'd hear the case but instead he had them imprisoned. Now he took 17 talents from the Temple in Jerusalem, saying that the money was for the emperor. I could see if that was where the debt was, but he also practically robbed them of their money to pay off his own debt. If that even is the case. The Jews then mocked Florus in public and Florus sent soldiers to raid the city and arrest City Leaders. The city leaders were then whipped and crucified even though many were Roman citizens. The Great Jewish Revolt led to Florus losing power, but after reading this all it's a bit interesting. I heard him say what he did about the debts and was a little more leaning toward absolving him. Read up on the wiki and now am more toward punishing him. I think he should maybe be in a different circle, but I do see where the greed is. Although it's not proven it was for his personal gain, so I'm a little iffy there. I'd probably punish him but I'm going to absolve him. I got 32 sins that time.

Alright once you go back to the door there, once you finish opening it, evade/roll in. It's easier than running.

Once you use the lever in there and jump into the middle we get a new relic. Wasted Gold. Every successful attack increases the Redemption fill rate. Lvl 1: 10%, Lvl 2: 20%, Lvl 3: 30%. Not too bad. See right now I have Antony's Standard, and I'm tempted to swap out with this. Antony's Standard is level 3, but I feel like the Wasted Gold relic will work quicker. Not sure.

We're now clocked in at 5:55:02, I wasted a lot of time though.

After going into the next room with the wall slowly closing. Start turning the lever-like thing until the monsters get to you. Then evade/roll away and pull them into the way of the saws. Instant kill, go back to the lever. And basically repeat. Then go through the gate to the right. I would recommend taming the beast first as this makes killing the rest of the demons easy.

What was that, you wanted another relic? Well of course here you go. After opening the door with the beast, then going through that small spot and opening the door, walk down the hallway to the Poet. Talk to him once  or twice if you want. Climb the wall, make the turn to the right and follow it all the way. Then drop down at the second spot and you'll notice one of those dog-like things. Coin of Plutus. Increases the combo window that allows Dante to acquire Style Points and increment the Hit Counter. Lvl 1: 1 second, Lvl 2: 2 seconds, Lvl 3: 3 seconds. This can be good for when you're trying to get the achievement or trophy Masterpiece - Perform a 200 hit combo. Especially if you're trying to get the achievement or trophy Poetry in Motion - Perform a 666 hit combo.

Didn't realize until I checked on the way back while still on that wall. Go get the Judas Coin in the drop down you skipped when going to get the Coin of Plutus relic. There's a shrine there that has it.

A little ahead after dropping down into another area without a way back up of course means something terrible is about to happen. We get a mini boss here now. He's a little like the demon in the aspect that when his axe turns red, you can't block it. So evade/roll away. I can usually get a 5 - 8 combo and then he'll block it with his shield or do the red axe attack and I'll have to back up. You can't block his charge attack, but you can just evade/roll away. I noticed half of his axe will become orange/red obviously meaning it's hot, but it cools down after a few seconds or if you attack him. You can use the Holy Cross attack to get rid of that usually. He also just did this attack where he leaned backwards on his right side with his axe and brought it up and forward with a fire attack attached to it. But I was able to block it. I think if you're not right next to him when he does that he shoots his fire bolt thing which you can block. Also, you can use Vindication(B after countering) to throw him in the air and knock him over allowing for some hits. The Holy Cross attack with B and Holy Blast(BB) tend to help for multiple situations. Like if he charges at you, you can use it and it'll sometimes break him out of his charge. Sometimes if you're a distance away you can get a 10 - 15 combo with it and maybe knock him over. So it can be effective. Especially if you have upgraded it to Holy Devastation. I didn't use any magic during the battle but I'm sure there could of been multiple uses for it.

After beating that mini boss go grab the well for a Judas Coin past the gate that once was there. That one got me Footsteps of a Traitor, Find 10 pieces of silver.

Once you go back into the ring after using the lever two of the two headed guys show up while two birds are on the way. You can jump around letting one of them do the tornado attack and keep hitting the other. Or try to get a combo attacking both of them at once now allowing them to do the tornado attack and if you get it down you can keep hitting them and they'll stay down making things easy. But once the birds arrive usually it messes that up. I'd do a double jump and grab them as that's a one hit kill. So just double jump to them twice and do that. Then go back to fighting the two headed guys. After that you jump over to the second spot and you get those annoying chicks and I think two more birds.

Health and mana shrine after finishing up that. =] Sitting on 11,607 souls right now, waiting to get lvl 5 Holy. And I mean I'm sooo close. Wow.. I just did a double jump toward the platform and fell into the lava =/

After fighting off the three demons and birds I turned the lever-like thing to make the structure face right. Shot the fire ball and climbed up the right side getting some souls and a Judas Coin. Then the left side to save and move on.

After the Poet and you get to the God of Wealth, remember you can grab the explosive minions and throw them at monsters. Useful method. It doesn't work against the two headed guys while they're in the tornado. They just bounce off.

Once you've killed those guys for the simple puzzle here just look at this video:

As my Xbox 360 has just decided to stop working I'm done for right now and am going to jump onto some PC gaming for now. I'll get back to this another time =]

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