Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Valve Slams Half Life 3 Rumors

You may recall a little ways back a ton of rumors going around about a sequel to Half Life 2 coming from Valve. Mostly due to the above logo being seen on a Valve member's shirt at a small event going on. Then there was the speech by the Portal 2 character Wheatley at the VGA's. Tons of people began speculating with the logo appearing and various other things, they'd start to study the video like crazy. Whether it was putting it in slow motion, reading hidden messages, or basically just looking into everything that passed right by your eyes.

Well it turns out, with all the rumors going around, they've just been crushed. Valve writer Chet Faliszek puts all the trolls back under their bridge with the following message,

"You are being trolled.

There is no ARG.

Wheatley's speech was set in Portal 2 fiction - that is all.

There has been no directive from Gabe to leak anything. That is all false.

I just want to say this so there is no confusion. This is the community trolling the community nothing more. While it is nice to see people excited about anything HL, I hate seeing people be trolled like this.

Thanks" - Chet Faliszek

While Faliszek states the rumors going around are all false, he doesn't say they're not developing a Half Life 3. Gabe hasn't given any directive to leak anything, although that doesn't mean there isn't anything to leak. There are the facts for now, don't get disappointed, never know what could happen in a year.

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