The closed beta for Tribes: Ascend will be occurring tomorrow, November 4th, Friday. You can register for it at the Tribes Ascend website. Although, the only way to get guaranteed access is if you pre-order it for $29.99 which includes the following: 3,000 Tribes Gold, 30-Day Booster, Lifetime VIP Status, and of course beta access.
"The Closed Beta build of Tribes: Ascend includes two initial class options - the Soldier and the Ranger, 10 additional classes available to be permanently unlocked, 3 drivable vehicles, 2 game-modes, and servers located across North America, Europe and Australia. Prior to release Hi-Rez will also support Ranked Servers and Private Servers."
Now you might be asking yourself, what is Tribes: Ascend? Well Tribes: Ascend is a multiplayer Free to Play FPS. It's being developed by Hi-Rez Studios which is well known for creating Global Agenda. Tribes Ascend is part of a series of several games such as: Starsiege Tribes(1998), Tribes 2(2001), Tribes Aerial Assault(2002), Tribes Vengeance(2004), Tribes Universe(Development), and Tribes Ascend. Each one prior to Tribes: Ascend and Tribes Universe was developed by Dynamix, except for Vengeance which was developed by Irrational Games. Tribes Ascend uses the Unreal Engine 3. Tribes Ascend will have basic game modes that you can play like Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Rabbit. While other modes are to come.
While the game is using a Free to Play model, there's gotta be an item store or something of course as most F2P games have. Tribes: Ascend will have of course cosmetic items for players to look decorative such as player skins and special boosters. Then there are the three loadouts, light, medium and heavy. Each loadout has a tree of classes and each one has it's own benefits. You can either earn them by likely an extreme amount of time playing Tribes or pay for them upfront with real money.
Personally, I played Starsiege: Tribes a while ago, not necessarily when it came out though. I don't recall exactly when but I must of played it a five to seven years after it came out give or take. Definitely had a load of fun those days playing it with my brother flying around the map like crazy. Considering the graphics then are definitely different from now, it'll be interesting to look at Tribes: Ascend when it comes out. As I didn't really play anything in between the two, like I said, it'll be even more interesting. I remember there being tons of fun mods/modes to play on like Paintball which I must of played a load of.
Well here's some information you might want to read if you get in:
"Studio representatives also announced that no character wipes are planned during Beta. Player advancement in terms of rank, class unlocks, and skill progression will carry forward beyond Closed Beta, into Open Beta and into Release"
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