So while the whole area of the game is still unconfirmed, most of the trailer takes place in Los Santos, which is the first city you encounter in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Although, wait a second, because if you remember Vinewood from Grand Theft Auto IV, it's also in the trailer. Then they show us Pleasure Pier on Vespucci Beach which Game Informer thinks could be a play off Venice Beach. The trailer also aims up at a Highway sign for Little Seoul, the equivalent of Korea Town. You may also remember a few scenes in the trailer where it shows an expansive mountain range, a vineyard, and several wind turbines along rolling hills. So the game likely expands to areas we're unsure of yet.
Even though there were helicopters in GTA, there weren't any planes or aircraft to fly around so freely such as in San Andreas. Well speak of the devil, you may of noticed aircraft is definitely back! Which I'm sure fans like myself are definitely happy to see. The aircraft you may of noticed seem to be a crop duster, charter plane, and a fighter jet which looks similar to the Hydra VTOL in San Andreas. And don't forget of course, there was a blimp sighted hovering over Los Santos! As boring as a blimp may be, I'm sure there will be more than enough fans crashing them into buildings or crowds of people. I mean, what else are blimps for? Then a couple new vehicles that appear are a jet ski and a nice convertible sports car.
Want a laugh?
As if Rockstar isn't known for it's hilarious shots at American culture, whether it be in billboards, radio stations, or who knows what else. Well in the trailer you'll get a shot at this where you see a Pest Control van. Their slogan is "Putting the FU in fumigate." Then there's the Postal Van slogan that says, "We aim not to lose it," and the police car that has "Obey and Survive" on the side. So you know Rockstar hasn't lost it's sense of humor in the upcoming GTA V.
Yoga and golf?

I'll be keeping an eye out for whatever else information arises on GTA IV in the months to come!Update: "Rockstar today officially confirmed GTA V was in "full development," and would see the game return to the city of Los Santos "and surrounding hills, countryside and beaches." The developer also said it was the largest game it had ever created and would be focused "on the pursuit of the almighty dollar in a re-imagined, present day Southern California." It was also confirmed that GTAV would feature mission-based gameplay, storytelling, and online multiplayer."
Source: Game Informer, Gamespot
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