And here it is for you hardcore Max Payne fans! In the trailer you'll notice Max Payne isn't quite the happiest guy at the moment, but I mean why should he be after everything he's gone through. You'll notice he shaves his head near the beginning, so what do you think of his new look? You're now also playing in Sao Paulo, Brazil. If you watch closely you'll see that bullet time is back. It shows up a little after the middle of the video. Considering it says First Trailer, I'm sure more are to come. At the end of the trailer it also says that the trailer is fully in game footage, so if you see it, you're bound to see it again when you play it for yourself. If you're a little behind on the games before Max Payne 3 you can check out this article GameSpy wrote. It sums up what happened in Max Payne 1 and 2. So if you haven't played the previous games, yes that link will have extreme spoilers. Max Payne 3 will be coming to Xbox 360,
, and PC
in March 2012! So how do you think Rockstar will do with Remedy's franchise?
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