Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Starcraft Universe MMORPG!

As we all know Blizzard has it's very own famous World of Warcraft, well hows a World of Starcraft sound? Well looks like they're making it happen with Starcraft Universe, a mod for Starcraft 2. So far I must say it's looking pretty cool, but I mean I've only see the above gameplay trailer and a few forum posts. Check out the channel of the person who made the above video and you'll see some more videos of the team at work and whatever else is to come. It looks like they're allowing people to apply for positions on the their team along with Game Testers, there's no guarantee you'll get in, but I noticed they have a section where you can drop your computer specs and a couple other small things. Anyway, considering Blizzard's huge success with WoW, I'm sure this'll be a ton of fun. Although I'm sure there will be certain parts that we will all notice is just a clone of WoW, which you can even notice a couple things from watching the video. But I mean, it's an mmo, so should expect a few things to be the same. Curious how it'll play out though, sure it'll be fun, I'll keep you guys updated if I come across anything big. I don't believe there are any dates planned yet. Enjoy the video for now and take in the details on the forum.

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