Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dungeons of Dredmor

Take a look at the above video for the game Dungeons of Dredmor played by Total Halibut. It's a relatively fun rogue-like currently 10% off over at Steam anyway. Bought it today as my brother bought it a day or two ago and has enjoyed it since. Especially constantly telling others and I about the little jokes in each description you come across. "The dirt stares at you dirtly." or the fact that Bituminous coal can also be used to make yogurt. The little things here and there in the descriptions make the game funny for sure. You can even wear a traffic cone for a helmet. Well anyway, the game is turn based, so if you need a potion but can't find it throughout your entire inventory or need to think of a plan, not moving will basically pause it. I learned this after running 20 or so blocks with monsters chasing me when I started out playing the game. Something my brother lacked to tell me =P Good things to also know as said above, it's a rogue-like and a dungeon crawler RPG. I've managed to spend an hour at least playing now, while my brother has spent over 10. And another friend has spent a good few as well. As I just bought this I'll still be having fun screwing around, keeping the permadeath option on to make things interesting. Although I crashed twice trying to go back up stairs which disappointed me. They're trying to fix the issue which is nice to know. I ended up going with a mainly rogue build with a bit of a warrior mixed in there. Make sure to get mushroom farming as it's a very useful skill for buffs and money when you find Brax. Definitely found the game to be fun and will continue to play it for the next week at least. A good game to kill some time on a break. Enjoy the video above.

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