Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Machinima Brink Livestream

Some of you may know that Brink came out today. It's sounding like the game is best known so far for the Multiplayer and the Singleplayer is more so a tutorial for Multiplayer. Therefore, don't buy this for the Singleplayer is what people are saying. Also in the livestream above they've been discussing that this isn't like a Team Deathmatch or Slayer game, but it's an objective one. It requires cooperation with other players, but while running through doing objectives you are still killing, but that's not the focus. So depending on what class you play, will basically depend on your role in getting the objective completed without a doubt. They compared it to Team Fortress 2 a few times with the different modes, such as Push the Cart. Well go check it out, I'll be checking it out later tonight on my PC probably.

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